Wix Video and Collections/Code

What is the timeline for Wix Video to be usable with Collections/Databases? With Wix Code? My company is building a video library of 650+ video clips for K-5 education and currently I am having to create each channel individually and update video information individually, all of which I already have created in a Wix Collection (DB). Any information would be much appreciated to streamline the data input process to get this thing going. Obviously, Wix Code integration is in the works I hear, but an update on that would be great too. Thank you.

The thing with videos in Wix Code is that it will be a hard issue to crack because today Wix sell access to host videos so letting that being free in a data collection won’t happen. So I guess that is the reason why this feature will take some time to sort out.

I guess access to the Wix Video App might come sooner to Wix Code but then you will probably only be able to read information from that Data Collection and not write to it. Like the Wix Stores API, read only.

What I would do is to signup for a Vimeo account and then put the links in your data collection to the vimeo videos there and protect them by refererrer.

Thanks for the help Andreas, this is interesting…