Wix Stores Thank You Page has wrong name?

On The Wix Stores Thank You Page there is a place holder to say thank you to the BUYER. But the name of the shipping destination fills in there? Is this a bug or just a mistake. The buyer should be the one purchasing the item correct and not the person it’s being shipped too? And also even worse is that this name is the contact for the store information. So if you where to send a message to the purchaser through wix admin, it has all the shippers name in messaging them, which is completely wrong? Does anybody else notice this?

I’m trying to get some visibility here to see if anyone else has this issue. I can’t believe that I’m the only one. I’m tired of customers complaining that it has the wrong name on the thank you page. But wix says this is a feature! A feature that is correct only sometimes.

Need help to escalate this. It’s going no where and Wix is not even interested in fixing this.