Wix Images 400 Bad Request - Bug?

Dear Forum,

I’m working on a configurator where a customer can select a value in a dropdown list and a preview image is shown. To do this, I’ve been uploading my preview pictures to wix and display them on the page via:

$w("#Image").src = 'https://static.wixstatic.com/media/.../something.jpg';

To get the link I used the “Copy URL” feature in the media manager. This has been working fine with older pictures I uploaded two weeks ago (and still works for those pictures!), but if I try to access the URL for pictures I uploaded yesterday I get an error “400 - Bad Request”. The pictures still show up and I can use them on my website, it’s just the link that seems to be broken…

Did anyone else experience problems with that?

Kind regards,

I would suggest that you put in a ticket to Wix Support about it if it seems to be a bug.

Please contact us if you or your users are experiencing difficulties accessing your Wix site’s images.

Otherwise, your method should be working fine without any issues.


Also, have you tried closing your browser and deleting or clearing all cookies and cache to see if that helps sort it?

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