Wix code SDK error: The rating parameter that is passed to the rating method cannot be set to the value 4.3. It must be of type number.

Hi does anyone have an idea what’s going on here? have i coded the rating element wrong? i want all the member profile data and reviews going into a linked database thats why iv’e fetched the profile data and added it to the review box and will be hidden on load, so when they submit a review all the data will be sent to the LinkedDatabase collection

I’m sure it’s a simple fix but can’t work it out, i’ve tried .rating and .numRatings

Hi Stevo, stumbled on this post while trying to figure out similar error. In your case, it seems that you are trying to assign real value (with decimals) to an integer field. If you change your field type to real value, you should be good.

How do you set the field type to real value? I don’t see those options in the collections. Thank you!