Wishlist code works BUT!

Hello guys, wish you all having a great day :slight_smile:

I’m having a very little problem with my wishlist code and i don’t seem to know where is the problem. Would appreciate some help here. Thanks
in short: I have a repeater that displays a dynamic content form a database collection with a SWITCH in the container that allows the user to save items displayed to their own wishlist.

The problem :
Only one user can save an item to their wishlist! ( Who ever gets their first :smiley: )
which means an Item gets added only one time to only one user’s wishlist.

scenario :
User ( A ) browsing and then stops to save Item ( 1 ) to his wishlist . Result > DONE
User ( B ) browsing and then stops to save ( The same item - 1 ) to his wishlish Result > Nothing Happens.

My Code :

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
export function switch2_change(event, $w) {
 const user = wixUsers.currentUser; 
 const userId = user.id; 
 const itemId = event.context.itemId;
    .eq("_id", itemId)
    .then((results) => {
 const itemToWishlist = results.items[0];
        itemToWishlist.userId = userId;  
        wixData.insert("ws", itemToWishlist) 
        .then(() => {
  • My wishlist database collection (ws)
  • wishlist collection fields : userId ( Main Field )
    I added no more fields. only after i tested the code I did ( Synced ) all items from live to sandbox which resulted in adding new fields to the collection that I then Defined.
  • Permissions: Anyone can read, only a site member can create/update/delete

looking forward for your help here guys . Thank you

I believe the problem is that you’re not using the Repeated Item Scope on your switch2_change() event handler. See the Switch Component API for more information regarding the scoped selector in a Switch event handler.

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Thank you @yisrael-wix . I went to the page repeated Item Scope and I’m thinking yes this makes sense.
I’m Still trying to figure it out with my beginner coding experience . But I’ll very appreciate if you can help me more on implementing this to my code.

Guys I’m still trying to figure out how to implement what Yisrael suggested. I will very appreciate any help possible. thank you

@roi-bendet hello Roi, You wrote a comment here about this code. Can you help with my issue ?

To jump in quickly too, assuming that the Wix Stores Corvid sample for the wishlist is no good for you.

however, have you seen Nayeli (Code Queen) own example of a wishlist?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWgnjUQU7Ac - video of tutorial
https://codequeen.wixsite.com/wishlist - code is found through yellow ‘view the code’ text link in the footer of this page.

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';
import wixData from 'wix-data';
$w.onReady( () => {
  if(wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
    $w("#addtowishlist").label = "ADD TO WISH LIST";
  else {
    $w("#addtowishlist").label = "SIGN IN TO SAVE";
} );
export function addtowishlist_onclick() {
    {wishlist_item: $w('#Itemdetails').getCurrentItem()._id}),
    $w('#success').show(),  //These are extra lines in case you have buttons or other
    $w('#addtowishlist').hide(),  //These are extra lines in case you have buttons or other
    $w('#viewlist').show();  //These are extra lines in case you have buttons or other

Both of these might be of no good use to your, however they are there if you want to have a quick look at.