wish list code is not working

add to the data base and remove from data base code is working but the code for wish list page is not working

wish list page code

import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

$w.onReady( function () {


function getfilters() {
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
let userId = user.id;
wixData.query(“Orderlist”)//this is my wish list database
.eq(“userId”, userId)
.then((results) => {
let items = results.items;
let firstItem = items[0];
var prod = ;
var i = 0;
var vf = results.length;
while (i < vf) {
prod[i] = items[i].productId;
i = i + 1;
$w(“#orderlistfc”).setFilter(wixData.filter() //this is my wishlist page dataset
.hasSome(“item”, prod)

can you console log items and check that

Can you please share a link to your site and specify the name of the page so we can inspect?

this is the website
wishlist page it is linked on the menu bar right side

I looked at your site and some things are unclear.
How did you build the wishlist? How do you expect it to work?
How do you manage/manage the wishlist?

now it,s working properly ,
thank you.

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It would be great if you share the code for other users.

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please share!

import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;

let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
async function checkWishlist() {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
// Query the “products-wishlist” collection to find if the product was already added to the user’s wishlist.
let wishListResult = await wixData.query(“Wishlist”)
.eq(“product”, product._id)
.eq(“userId”, user.id)
// If the product was already added to the user’s wishlist:
if (wishListResult.items.length > 0)
// Show the “inWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#inWishList’).show(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// If the product was not yet added to the user’s wishlist:
// Show the “notInWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#notInWishList’).show(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// If the current user is not logged in:
else {
// Show the “notInWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#notInWishList’).show(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
//-------------Event Handlers-------------//
// Set the action that occurs when the “inWishList” image is clicked.
export function inWishList_click(event, $w) {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (user.loggedIn)
// Remove the current product from the wishlist.
// Set the action that occurs when the “notInWishList” image is clicked.
export function notInWishList_click(event, $w) {
// If the current user is logged in:
if (user.loggedIn)
// Add the current product to the wishlist.
// If the current user is not logged in:
// Show the login message.
// Set the action that occurs when the login message is clicked.
async function loginMessageClick() {
// Set the login options.
let options = {“mode”: “login”};
// Hide the login message.
// Prompt the user to login using the options created above.
await wixUsers.promptLogin(options);
//-------------Wishlist Functionality-------------//
// Add the current product to the current user’s wishlist and update the page accordingly.
async function addToWishlist() {
// Create the wishlist item relating the current product to the current user.
let wishListItem = {
product: product._id,
userId: user.id
// Hide the “notInWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#notInWishList’).hide(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// Show the “inWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#inWishList’).show(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// Insert the item created above into the “products-wishlist” collection.
let result = await wixData.insert(“Wishlist”, wishListItem);
// Remove the current product to the current user’s wishlist and update the page accordingly.
async function removeFromWishlist() {
// Query the “products-wishlist” collection to find the wishlist item corresponding to the current product and current user.
let wishListResult = await wixData.query(“Wishlist”)
.eq(“product”, product._id)
.eq(“userId”, user.id)
// If a wishlist item was found:
if (wishListResult.length > 0) {
// Show the “notInWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#notInWishList’).show(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// Hide the “inWishList” image with a fade effect.
$w(‘#inWishList’).hide(‘fade’, {duration: 100});
// Remove the wishlist item from the “products-wishlist” collection.
await wixData.remove(“Wishlist”, wishListResult.items[0]._id)

Code on wish list member page

// Import the wix-data module for working with queries.
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
// Import the wix-users module for working with users.
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;
// Import the wix-location module for navigating to pages.
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;
//-------------Page Setup-------------//
$w.onReady( async function () {
// Get the current user.
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
// If the current user is logged in:
if (user.loggedIn)
// Load the user’s wishlist using the loadWishlist() function.
return loadWishlist();
// If the current user is not logged in:
// Collapse the wishlist.
// Expand the empty whishlist.
// Load and display the current user’s wishlist.
async function loadWishlist(){
// Get the current user.
let user = wixUsers.currentUser;
// Query the “products-wishlist” collection for all wishlist items belonging to the current user.
let wishlistResult = await wixData.query(“Wishlist”)
.eq(“userId”, user.id)
// If any wishlist items were found:
if (wishlistResult.length > 0) {
// Expand the wishlist.
// Collapse the empty wishlist.
// Set the wishlist repeater’s data.
$w(“#wishlist”).data = wishlistResult.items;
// Set the action that occurs when the wishlist repeater items are loaded to the myItemReady() function.
// If no wishlist items were found:
else {
// Collapse the wishlist.
// Expand the empty wishlist.
// Set up the wishlist repeater items when the repeater’s data is loaded.
function myItemReady($w, wishlistItem){
// Get the wishlist product.
let product = wishlistItem.product;
// Set the repeater’s elements using the item data.
$w(‘#productImage’).src = product.mainMedia;
$w(‘#name’).text = product.name;
$w(‘#price’).text = product.formattedPrice;
// Set the action that occurs when the product image is clicked.
$w(‘#productImage’).onClick(() => {
// Navigate to the wishlist item’s product page.
// Set the action that occurs when the remove item image is clicked to the removeItem() function.
// Remove an item from the user’s wishlist.
function removeItem(id) {
return async function () {
// Remove the item with the specified ID from the “products-wishlist” collection.
await wixData.remove(‘Wishlist’, id);
// Reload the wishlist to reflect the removed item.

working finely

Carlos, Wix Corvid tutorial for a wishlist in Wix Stores that you can follow.

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