Using the Buffer.from command

trying to use the Buffer.from command but not sure what needs to be imported for this command to work in WixCode.

please help


That is not supported in Wix Code. You cannot at this time import npm modules.

Still no support for Buffer or Blob?

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I too facing the issue of Buffer. I am generating the PDF though PDF kit and want to upload that PDF in media manager but not able to generate Buffer of the PDF or Blob, as Upload method of wix only support either Buffer of the file or URL of that file.

If anyone having solution for this Please help.

Thanks in Advance.

i m facing the same issue. If someone can get back to us soon it will be appreciated.

This is a very old thread and some things may have changed since then.
Iā€™m closing it.
Please open a new post and explain the issue in details.