Unknown argument: override

Getting my feet wet with Corvid, and one of the first things I’ve tried fails :frowning:

npx corvid pull --override


  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

Unknown argument: override


Did you clone the site first? You need to

npx corvid login
npx corvid clone
npx corvid open-editor

pull won’t work until you clone.

Also this is Alpha code so pull may have been disabled or deleted for some reason.

[@Tom Enden] FYI…

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Forgot to mention that yes, I’d done the login and editing, managed to update my site yesterday.

Wanted to pull the changes we’d made on the web editor today, and found I couldn’t

It being Alpha it would make sense if the commands changed or were disabled occasionally, I’ll try again this weekend :slight_smile: (Solved temporarily by moving my src folder to a different name and doing a standard pull)

@richard59049 Hi!
Happy to hear you’re getting your feet wet with corvid-cli! We hope you’ll like it, and look forward to your feedback.

The pull --override option did not change, and it should work. Can you please state what version of corvid-cli you are using?
On mac:
npm list | grep corvid-cli
npm list | find corvid-cli


Enjoying seeing the potential of corvid!! Thanks for your help, this is a great intro!

I’m on a Mac, so the answer to your question is:

$ npm list | grep corvid-cli
└─┬ corvid-cli@0.1.77


The issue was resolved in version 0.1.78. Please run npm install corvid-cli to update and then give it another try.

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Updated my corvid-cli, and it works perfectly.

Thanks for the quick turnaround, much appreciated :slight_smile:


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