Typewriter text needing to be scrolled across screen


Using your typewriter code (which is great and just what I was looking for), now how can I adjust it so that the text doesn’t just carry on typing downwards in the text box and also set it up to loop again after it has finished?

At the present moment I am just using a html iframe which contains a basic marquee effect so that the text scrolls across the screen from left to right, plus it also has a mouseover-stop and mouseout-start so that any users can stop it to read it.

Is it possible that I can edit your code and adjust it somehow to make it act like the marquee effect and scroll across the screen instead of typing downwards one line at a time?

As for the loop of the typewriter effect, can I simply edit the code at the bottom so that the element refreshes itself instead of stopping, something like this:

setInterval(() => {
}, 15000);

Or if that isn’t possible, the have the page refresh with another html iframe with this inside:

<script> var timer = null;
function auto_reload()
 top.location.href = 'Enter your URL destination here'; 
} </script>  <body onload="timer = setTimeout('auto_reload()',5000);">