Triggered email code! Need Help!

I am trying to create a triggered email to let the person who filled out the form that approval is pending. I was able to set up the email in WIX and I was given the code to put on my page, but I don’t know on what line to fill in the code, and how to fill in the fields. I son’t want to use a third party for my emails like sendgrid. Can someone help me? I do not have a background in coding at all. This is the code I was given:

wixUsers.emailUser(“QsKHpr7”, );

and this is how it looks at the moment:

Hello Kpilgrim,
You are using emailUser function which is the correct first step, I suggest reading more about this function here: .
First, you want to import wixUsers from wix-user at the top of your code
like so.
After this, you have to get the parameters for the ‘.emailUser()’ function which are: emailId and userId.
To get userId , I assume you already have an emailId, so that should be enough to now use the function:
Full Code:

For further reading: