Translating IFrame message to setHeight

I have a site that I have to embed an iframe from a location that I don’t have control of the html directly. It sends a message to broadcast its height to its parent and I need to be able to translate this to the correct message for the wix code to set the height of the iframe. I can’t nest the iframe in another iframe since the security headers don’t allow it.

OK I figured out how to get the nesting to work, didn’t realize that the origin had changed. SO now it is displaying and it appears that I am misunderstanding the whole point of the WixCode sdk is for custom components not a one off iframe that needs to resize based on contents.

You got it. The main idea of Wix Code is to support the Wix page components - and you can do amazing things! The HtmlComponent is really for special cases that you just can’t get around (such as a Google Map with special features ).