Tableau à onglets / tabbed board

Bonjour à tous !

Je souhaiterais savoir s’il est possible sur Wix de créer un tableau à onglets ?
Les éléments “interactifs” se rapprochent de cela, mais je ne souhaite pas de diaporama animé, mais juste des onglets (plusieurs pages dans un seul tableau). Par avance merci de votre aide, Gabrielle .

I would like to know if it is possible on Wix to create a table with tabs? The “interactive” elements come close to that, but I do not want an animated slideshow, but just tabs (several pages in a single table). In advance thank you for your help, Gabrielle.

Hi Gabrielle!

Unfortunately we don’t have this feature in wix.
But , there is a solution to work around it!

You can have several tables on top of each other (as many as you need) that are hidden on load (except Table1) and connect them to the same amount of buttons that will show and hide the tables onClick as you please.

Hope it helps!
Best of luck.

Doron. :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much !