Syncronizing website to days of the week

Hi all, I’m pretty new to this but currently I’m constructing a website, where I would need it to be aware of what day it is, and show the correct day specific data without having the visitor to the website manually selecting the date.

For example - (If possible) I want the website to essentially run to a calendar, so when users access the webpage on a Thursday for instance they are shown information which only relates to services offered on a Thursday and if they access the page on a Sunday they only are shown information related to Sunday services.

I had a google earlier but came to a dead end…
so am I being too ambitious and should I go back to the drawing board and re-think it? or is there a way? or even an alternative?

The information about the services would not have much variation, it would be a long term/Regular occurrence.

Thanks all, looking forward to hearing peoples thoughts or suggestions!

You can get the current day of the week by constructing a Date object and calling its getDay method, like this: (new Date()).getDay()
Then you can use hide/show methods of an Element to handle the visibility.