Sort on table calculated column

I would like to order on the column I calculated named " ptot " ( rows[k][“ptot”] ).
I tried with the ’ descending (‘ptot’) ’ option on the query2 line but it doesn’t work.

Do you have any suggestions?

let query2 = wixData.query("CLASSIFICHE").contains('campionato', cmp).descending('ptot');

below is the code

thanks and excuse for my bad english

let query2 = wixData.query("CLASSIFICHE").contains('campionato', cmp);
query2.find().then((results) => 
    $w("#table20").rows = results.items;
    $w("#table20").columns = 
 "id": "col0",
 "dataPath": "campionato",
 "label": "",
 "width": 40,
 "visible": true,
 "type": "string"
 "id": "col1",
 "dataPath": "squadre",
 "label": "Periodo",
 "width": 140,
 "visible": true,
 "type": "string"
 let cols = $w("#table20").columns;
    "id": "col2",
    "dataPath": "ptot", 
    "label": "PT",
    "width": 40,
    "visible": true,
    "type": "number"
  $w("#table20").columns = cols;
  let rows = $w("#table20").rows; 
   for (var k = 0; k < $w("#table20").rows.length; k++) 
       rows[k]["ptot"] = $w("#table18").rows[k]['punticasaSum'] + $w("#table19").rows[k]['puntifuoriSum']; 
   $w("#table20").rows = rows; 

if the “ptot” field is not in “CLASSIFICHE” collection, descending won’t work.
But you can use JS sort() method

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Have you read the api reference for data query.

Plus read here for the different options that you can do with the query itself, like your contains and descending option that you are using.