Site members not receiving blog post notification

I have my blog set so that subscribers receive new post notifications:

I have active site members who have logged in and have email addresses, under Member List.

I am creating new blog posts to attempt to trigger the notification email, but emails are not being sent.

How can I get the new blog post emails working? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Make your members also “subscriber” category under manage labels of contacts, to see if that works.

Dear @Let’s Start Design – thank you but that did not work.

@deleteduser and others let me ask a Corvid-related question on this topic (I’ve searched and haven’t found an answer):

Is it possible to automatically take a newly published blog post and feed the contents into a SendGrid email template and send it out to SendGrid subscribers?

I’m trying to automate the workflow of write blog post → send email with that post.

Wix’s email marketing tool doesn’t do this; Wix’s New Blog doesn’t do this. However there is a Blog collections with the contents of the blog so I can imagine this working… Thanks.

Firstly as Heath says you are better off posting this question on the Wix Blog Community or to contact Wix Support themselves.

Wix Blog is a Wix app and is limited to what you can do with it through the use of Code.

For your members to receive email notification themselves, then make sure that you have read through the Wix Support pages for the Wix Blog itself.

@givemeawhisky yeah I’ve read the Wix Support page several times and it’s not helpful.

I have posted this on the Wix Blog Community as well.

I’m here for the Corvid angle.

Can I programmatically take Blog entries from the Blog collections and send them out using SendGrid API?

Firstly, you may have set your Wix Blog to send emails to subscribers fine.

But are all your Members actually joined up to your sites community which gives them access to Wix Blog and Forum etc.

Plus, are these Members actually classed as Subscribed to your site in your Contacts list in your Wix Dashboard.

Also, have all these Members who are not getting notification emails etc, have they setup their own Wix Blog settings so that THEY themselves receive the notification.

Each Member has their own settings and thet can turn on or off the receive notification option.

As for Blog posts through SendGrid, you can try doing it yourself.

Although you would need to read through SendGrid own support pages to see how to implement it through them if you are using the Wix tutorial for sending an email on form submission.

You might have better luck if you look at using either SendGrid REST API or SendGrid NodeJS and there are examples for them.

I’m doing this in a test environment. The Members are “fake” with email addresses I created and inboxes I have access to. I’m doing this all in the back-end so there is no front-end to adjust community settings.

What I have is Members I created in my Membership table in the backend; they are labeled as Subscribers. They are approved (they are not “pending”). They have logged in.

It’s unclear to me what else needs to happen for them to receive notifications of new blog entries.

(I am site admin AND a member and even my email isn’t getting those notifications)

I am using the SendGrid API in my backend for notifications.

Was just curious if anyone here had implemented blog entries → SendGrid email.

To be clear the test environment is a fully published website (NOT in preview mode). It just doesn’t have my domain connected yet.

Right let us clarify that you can’t simply test users using a membership table that you have added users to and have access to their email address.

Plus, as Admin of your website you will not receive notifications of your own blog posts or forum posts etc, for you to receive them yourself, you will need to signup as another site member with another email address that is not the same one as you use for Wix.

I have done that myself so that I can test anything before I send it by simply sending it back to my testing member as Wix classes it as another site member even though it comes back to myself.

As for your members, all your members need to physically go through the signup process to your website to become site members, either through Wix own window or custom window or your own custom signup lightbox.

You can’t simply add members yourself, they all have to go through the Wix Users .register() function which then adds the users details to the Wix CRM and then you can see these details in your Contacts List.

If you go to your Contact List and use the Filter by dropdown you will actually be able to see who is subscribed to your website or not - note that it will be under the label of Subscribed .

This Contact List is through Wix CRM so it displays all your Contacts and this includes contacts who are not members.

Once a user becomes a site member then you use Wix Users to get their info and do things with their details etc.

What’s the difference between wix-crm and wix-users?
The CRM API contains functionality for working with your site’s contacts.
The Users API contains functionality for working with users who are logged-in members.
Note that all members are also contacts, but contacts are not necessarily members.

The APIs in wix-users are only partially functional when previewing your site. View a published version of your site to see their complete functionality.

They also need to do this so Wix can give them a unique Owner ID so it knows who the site member author is when needed to through the permissions, see the system field info here for more about it.

When a user is a site member, then they will also be listed in your Site Members tab too.

If you click on any contact or member from either list, it will bring up their details and you will be able to see on there what status they are and if they are subscribed to your website or not.

Once your members have all this setup and they are also members of your site’s community, then they go to the Wix Blog and either join the community there if they are not, or they can change their own settings as to whether or not they are receiving notifications.

Each member must do this themselves after they have logged in themselves using the Wix Users .login() function, you can’t do it just through having an email address setup for them.

Just because you have the toggle setup to send email notifications, if the members themselves are not members of your site’s community or have not got their own settings turned on to receive those email notifications, then they will not get them.

As for your question about using Wix Blog collection with SendGrid, I do suggest that you now put it in a new post as this one has become too mixed up with talk about the Wix Blog app that should have been sorted out through Wix Support and not on the Wix Corvid forum.

Thanks for your feedback. Been busy with other features but will try this soon.