Simple Property Value on Wix Video Player

Not sure whether to feel stupid or blame Wix Corvid for the past 3 hours trying to complete one simple task, setting the video player URL using code!

I drop a single video player for YouTube on my page. I assign it an ID myvideo

$w(“#myvideo”).videoUrl = “Wix Presents: Manage Your Business with Wix - YouTube”;

No matter what I do, the “videourl” is not a property that can be set. It simply does not exist. Can anyone tell me what the issue is?


Did you use $w.Video or $w.VideoPlayer ? There is a difference and they have different APIs. Refer to the links for the API documentation.

That was it, thank you so much!! Really appreciate it. ツ

For my own personal knowledge, can you tell me for which player does the above example apply?


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Where did you get the example?

I got the above example from here$w.Video.html#videoUrl

It says it is for “An element that displays a video from Vimeo or Youtube.” but that example clearly did not work for me on a Youtube video, so I am trying to understand the difference as I will be working with video a lot.
