Shrinking Header's not working on live site

Hi there!
I’ve found a lot of articles describing the same problem I have: The shrinking header is working in preview but not once it’s published. I haven’t found any solution to this. All I found were descriptions on how to code a shrinking header but not why it’s not abele to work once the site is published. Is that me…?
Here is the code I use:
export function enter(event) {

$w('#smallStrip').hide(); //hidden on load 


export function leave(event) {



export function footerEnter(event) {



export function footerLeave(event) {



I guess it’s not a question of coding. I think it’s a bug! Can anyone confirm that or/and help me to solve this problem? It really is a pain…
Thanks a lot!

It’s a known bug and a fixed version has been published: