"Showcase Strip" (old) gallery stopped working

#gallery #old_gallery #showcase_strip #centered_slider #loop_slider

On this site
we have a gallery that is operated by code and functions as a time-line .
Each image of the gallery (year), when clicked it moves to the center, changes its color and opens a hidden box with dynamic information (list of buildings built in that year).
All was working fine until it just stopped one day.
Please help us check what’s wrong. It could be some kind of an update that changed the whole system. We can not use a pro gallery in this case. Its the only gallery we could use.

export function datasetTimeLine_ready() {
$w(“#datasetTimeLine”).onReady(() => {
//$w(“#datasetTimeLine”).setFieldValue(“image”, red1946);

$w(“#timeLine”).onCurrentItemChanged((event, $w) => {


//clear previous selection

//get clicked year info
let year = event.item.title;
let image = event.item.src;
let index = event.itemIndex;

//set current year to selected year

//get the red image
.eq(“year”, year))
.then(() => {
$w(‘#datasetCurrentYear’).getItems(0, 1)
.then((results) => {

//set image to current year
let currentImage = results.items[0].currentImage;
$w(“#datasetTimeLine”).setFieldValue(“image”, currentImage);

//filter buildings dataset according to year
$w(“#datasetBuildings”).onReady(() => {
.eq(“year”, year))
.then(() => {
$w(“#datasetBuildings”).getItems(0, $w(“#datasetBuildings”).getTotalCount())
.then((result) => {
let totalCount = result.items.length;
//console.log("total count: " + totalCount);
if (totalCount > 0) {
let size;
if (totalCount < 22) {
size = “H”;
if (totalCount < 11) {
size = “B”;
if (totalCount < 8) {
size = “M”;
if (totalCount < 4) {
size = “S”;
console.log(“year: " + year + " , totalCount: " + totalCount + " size: " + size);
console.log(“box: " + “#boxInfo” + size);
$w(”#boxInfo” + size).show();
for ( let i = 0; i < result.items.length; i++) {
let buttonColor;
if (result.items[i].histadrut === true ) {
buttonColor = buttonRed;
} else {
buttonColor = buttonBlue;

                                                    console.log("buttonColor: " + buttonColor); 

if (result.items[i].hasPage === true ) {
let button = “#” + size + i;
$w(button).style.color = buttonColor;
$w(button).label = “<< " + result.items[i].title + “, " + result.items[i].city;
$w(”#” + size + i).link = “/Buildings/” + replaceSpace(result.items[i].buildingTitle);
$w(“#” + size + i).target = “_self”;
$w(“#” + size + i).show();
} else {
let button = “#” + size + i;
$w(button).style.color = buttonColor;
$w(button).label = result.items[i].title + “, " + result.items[i].city;
$w(”#" + size + i).link = “”;
$w(“#” + size + i).target = “_self”;
$w(“#” + size + i).show();

/if (year !== “1946”) {
$w(“#datasetTimeLine”).setFieldValue(“image”, black1946);
index = event.itemIndex;
console.log("index: " + index);

We temporarily removed the gallery from the home page,
You could find it now under
Copy of HOME
in the site menu