search box

Hi I am a beginner with wix I would like to get some help please this is my website there is a tab in my website that says busca to guia its for customers to look up their orders I am still testing it , you can try it out typing the referencia number is 123 and then search, when I look it up it shows me the details like type of deliver, date time, status and a picture, But I would like the picture to be bigger cause right now is too small so I would like it to be bigger… Can you help me please what can I do ?

this is what i am using

import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

//For full API documentation, including code examples visit Velo API Reference -

$w.onReady(function () {
//TODO: import wixData from ‘wix-data’;

export function searchButton_onClick(event) {
.contains(‘referencia’, $w(‘#input1’).value)
.then(res => {
$w(‘#table1’).rows = res.items;

Hi Jaime!

In your situation, you can make picture biger by setting another height of the row. You can find it here:
Set “Row Height” to 100
This is max height of picture, if it’s placed in table.

If it’s not enough, there is another option. If you know that your users will always find only ONE result after search, you can add an Image component near the table and connect it to image - and make it any size you want actually
This is your case? One search - one result?