Scientific Blogging / Math Notation

I want to use mathematical notation in my blog. This is typically done by adding a MathJax script to the HTML. What is the best way to go about this?

Presently, I can insert HTML directly in the old Blog app. But there is a limit on the size of the HTML box. With long posts this results in an ugly scroll bar on the right.

Ideally, I would want to write my blog posts with Rmarkdown in RStudio, and then post the whole page on my Wix blog.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.


Do you wish to sync Wix Blog with external tools? As far as I know, it’s impossible. Note that this forum is specialised on the Wix Code product. If you want to be sure, I recommend contacting Wix Support team .


I don’t want to sync Wix Blog with external tools. I just want to be able to use math notation in my blog. I contacted Wix Support and they were not very helpful. So I am asking here to learn what the Wix Code product can do for me.



I’m afraid that currently there’s no integration of Wix Code with Wix Blog. For questions about Wix Blog features, please contact Wix Support since, as I mentioned earlier, they know best about this product.

Have a good day,

What is the situation now? Can mathematical equations be included in WIX now?