Rotating Column Background?

Does anyone know how to get the background of a column to rotate, like a slideshow? Ideally I’d like to be able to attach a box slideshow from the “interactive” section of the element menu to a column, and then have it stretch to the full width of the column rather than just the active portion. I realize that the slideshow content (text, buttons, etc.) would have to stay with in the active portion of the column, but I want the slide show images to cover the full width of the column, like the column background normally does. I know there are full-width elements that do this for the full screen width, but I can’t figure it out for just a column. Thanks for any advice.

Try connecting the column background to an image dataset…

Thanks, that’s a good idea, I will try it. I could write some code to rotate the overlay elements as well, I suppose (text, buttons, etc.).

It’s mysterious: sometimes this works for me and sometimes it doesn’t…