Remove SignUp

Is there a way to remove the ability for people to SignUp to my website? I am inundated with requests from people to signup each week. My company only allots a certain number of individuals to sign up. I do not want to be receiving so many requests each day.

Ideally, I want a LogIn page to be easily accessible on my website. This LogIn page should NOT have an option to SignUp.

Additionally, I want to have a separate page for users to SignUp. This page would only be accessible via a direct link. I would email this direct link to any new people I want to sign up.

@nadiavkhan You can build your own SignUp page (which is also the Login page) and remove the sign up function completely if that is what you want.

I have attempted this. But I am not able to edit the LogIn part of the SignUp page.

If you use a custom page then both the Login and Signup functions will be under your control. You I normally code a slideshow element with two slides 1. For login and 2. for Register/SignUp.:$w.Slideshow.html

Then you can have buttons that allow you to select Login or Signup to present the relevant form to the user.

You just need to make sure you either call wixusers.register() to perform the signup OR wixusers.login() to perform the login with the form data.

How do we remove the sign up function completely ?

How do look like your SING-UP right now?

Are you using the Wix-Out-Of-The-Box Login ?

Or do you have creted your own CUSTOM one?

Did you install Wix-Members-App ?

You do not provide enough informations and it would be better to open your own post instead of bumping up very old ones.

Ok, found your new opened post…

Thanks for replying

Im using the wix default login

Not sure about the wix members app ?
Is that by default as well ?

Any hekp on this would be great
