Register User Automatically

I am trying to register a user by using a simple input form and the following code;

let email = $w(‘#signupEmail’).value;
let password = $w(‘#signupPassword’).value;

                                wixUsers.register(email, password) 
                                    .then((result) => { 

let status = result.status; // “Active”
let user = result.user;

However, after entering the information and hitting the button that this code is attached to, the new member does not appear in my members list.


Further information…

I have also tried this with .toString…

let email = ($w(’ #signupEmail ‘).value).toString();
let password = ($w(’ #signupPassword ').value).toString();
wixUsers.register(email, password)
.then((result) =>
{ let status = result.status; // “Active”
let user = result.user;

And I have at the top of the code…
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users’;

And I have set permissions of members to automaticall approve

Check out wixCrm method:


Thanks for your reply, I have now figured out how to do this.
This piece of code was fine, but there was an error further up in my code.