Refresh rating display after set value to 'null' doesn't work for mobile

I use wix rating display element as a dataset filter control to filter objects with the different price level. To reset the filter user clicks the same price level, and I set the rating control value to null. It works for desktop (unfortunately, you have to move mouse out of the control), however it doesn’t work for mobile version.

Hi Alexey!

If you want to reset your dataset filter (to no filter), simply set a new empty filter, as follows:


This should remove the current set filter and present all the data.


@doron-alkalay , thank you, but it’s not the problem of the filter. I’m talking only about clearing the rating control. If you set it’s value to null with another button, for example, it clears and indicates empty stars. Both in desktop and mobile versions. However, if you try to clear it on click (then you check, if the value is the same—you set the value to null), it works only for desktop version.