Radio Buttons and Database Connection

Hi all good evening!
I am trying to display database multiple value via radio buttons so users can select one of them, and item should be stored to next page with selected value, but can’t get solution. Anyone please help me to find out the code. Thanks

Are you connecting radio buttons to a dataset? Then you need to have a dataset with the labels/values listed in it, then when you click on the radio button group you can connect it to the required dataset using the ‘Connect to Data’ button at the end.

To save the selected radio button, then you need to add a submit button, or if you are wanting to carry them over to another page for example, then you can use Wix Storage.

Also, have a read of the Wix API reference about radio button groups so that you can understand how they work when used with code, like when using the ‘value’ function.$w.RadioButtonGroup.html

Finally, as you are talking about next pages, then have a look at this multistage form tutorial and for creating previous and next buttons on a dynamic page.