Problems with read more-button ONLY on mobile version


On my website’s section WHO I used some „read more“ and „read less“ buttons to show more or less text of a person’s CV. It works fine on the desktop version (with the help of other community discussions about what to take care of etc.). But the mobile version still has some bugs. The editor preview shows me every text collapsed and the read more-button attached to the text. On my phone it shows me something else: 3 out of 6 read-more buttons are not attached to the collapsed text. Instead, I find there a huge gab (which has the size of the text when not collapsed). I read some discussions before with a similar problem, but I can’t explain what tricks I should use to fix these bug on the mobile version.

Link to surren website:

Thank you!

This question has been asked many times. A lot of users had this issue. Try searching the forum first.

Thanks, of course I did search the forum first and I know what the common problem other people have, but I can’t explain this bug on mobile, since it works on some places and in some not

@susannabarborik You can try 2 things:

  1. Group the textbox and the “View more” into 1 group (in desktop mode, select both and group).
  2. to put the short text in the textbox placeholder and to push the full text by code)

I tried to group it on the desktop version first, which didn’t work.
From what I found out now, is that this problem happens when I resize the text box on the mobile version… First I copied the text, deleted it from the text box (where only one sentence remained), then attached the show more button to the text box and put in the full text into the text box. After that, I checked the mobile version live on my cellphone and it seemed to work. But I didn’t like the spacing, so I resized my text box to be a little slimmer, but teer it was again! So weird…

@jonatandor35 I will give your second suggestion a try