price calculator app in Wix

We’ve spent the past month developing a work around that will allow us to use a price calculator on the website that converts into a contact form. Although we believe we have found a way to do it using the html app and using our own custom calculator code and database, it is no where near completion and may not even work the way we want it to.
The new WixCode update seems really promising, and may be the answer to all the problems we are having. Although I want to speak to a Wix professional so that we can quickly establish what is possible with this new update.
The calculator is very simple, using three sliders and two check boxes, but because Wix doesn’t offer sliders their doesn’t appear to be a way for us to do this without making our own external database and calculator app that operates outside of the Wix system.
We are very open to any suggestions anyone has about doing this.
Many Thanks,

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Hay Nathan,

We are working on adding a slider component to Wix. You can use a regular input, set to input Numbers as a temporary workaround. Aside from the slider limitation, you should be able to use Wix Code to create the calculator.

Hi Yoav,

Thanks for the response. Is there no way to add in sliders using javascript? And do you know roughly how long it will be until sliders will be available on Wix?

Many Thanks,


Or if we use the iFrame option to embed our own code, is there a way to connect it with the Wix code database?