open a new page depending on a selection from dropdown

I have a database with lawyers and I need them to be selected by states so I can have my directory set up by states.

I have the dropdown on the home and I need it to go the another page with just the lawyers from the state chosen from that dropdown. I have a repeater on another page.

Here is the url:

I also need coding to make the state lawyers shuffle on the page every time the repeater loads for any visitor.

I also need the website to be both in English and in Spanish so how would the dataset/database and everything work??


For different languages, the easiest way is to use Wix Multilingual

Otherwise you will need to look at getting the locale of the user yourself and then displaying the correct language for them.

For the random shuffle of the repeater data, follow Yisrael’s little tutorial here that you can open up in your Wix Editor to see it all laid out with full code etc.

Or you can always use Andreas’ slightly longer version here!

For the dropdown choice to go to another page where you can show your repeater of lawyers in that area, then simply follow Yisrael’s post about it here.

If you want to keep it all on the same page then you can do something like this.

So basically, it has virtually all been done for you code wise, you just have to put it all into your website!