Non-techie question: Adding advanced, category and keyword search to a blog-based site

CAN THIS BE DONE FOR A WIX SITE?: We are looking at starting a nonprofit site to support green clubs in schools. The concept is that there would be a central blog about student-run environmental campaigns. Schools could search the blog entries not just for keywords from within the blog, but also a set of other criteria, such as the cost of the campaign, the particular environmental topic it concerns (selected via drop-down, I guess, from a little database), the age of students that can participate, whether it is indoors or outdoors, and perhaps a half-dozen other criteria. This information would be entered in tick-boxes and drop-down menus by the blogger— I suppose either in a set of controls that remain visible down at the bottom of the blog page, or through some sort of less visible process behind the scenes when writing up the blog. A visitor’s search would lead to a page of results: blog entries that meet the criteria they have set on an “advanced search”-type page. (I keep thinking this would work a little like the filters on (in the Lending area), if you know them.) The question is, can this be done for a Wix site, and how much coding would it entail? There is a very limited budget for such a thing. Can this be built easily using existing Wix tools? Or is this all just crazy-talk? Thank you in advance for the benefit of your expertise, and sorry for my lack of technical explanation.