Need urgent help: site broken by DatePicker

As discovered here ;

the DatePicker is dead if main langiuage is not English. My site is now broken (SPanish). Reported it to Wix Support because thought it wasn´t a Corvid problem. Took Wix Support 2 days to email back that I should fill out a form. The link results in a 404-error.

So could anyone from Corvid please communicate this? It´s very simple: set Main Language in Dashboard to anything but English (we tried Brasil-Portugese and Spanish), draw a DatePicker on page and voila: it´s dead.

Our members cannot update their data now because of this new bug.
Thanks for any help Corvid can offer.

Giri I’ll try to escalate this within the Expert Community.

BTW, when it happened to me I tried to refresh the page or switch pages and it worked a few times.

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Shan, thanks, it seems to be solved. Also noticed that I am a member of the Expert Com. too. Going up in the world :wink: