Need help with searching values in databases

Hi, I would like to know how to code a search function that only shows a specific number. Lets say I type 45 and i have a number that is 145 also, then i don’t want 145 to show up. So I want to know how to bypass the 1 number before and if I have a “comma ,” before that also need to be bypassed when searched. This is my website running with the search function:

I have this code running at the moment:

export function searchButton_onClick(event) {
.contains(‘villageLevel’, $w(‘#iTitle’).value)
.or(wixData.query(‘allcoinmastercardslist’).contains(‘title’, $w(‘#iTitle’).value))
.then(res=> {
$w(‘#table1’).rows = res.items;

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

You’ll want to utilize the .eq() function.

Instead of .contains(‘villageLevel’, $w(’ #iTitle ').value)


.eq(‘villageLevel’, $w(’ #iTitle ').value)

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Hi keith, thank you for the answer. it seems to work when their are no comma(,) before. But most of the text has a comma before so they will not show up. possible i could add a blank space between but then the list will get longer and i like the design of the text.

Is there any way to bypass the comma as not visible for the search?

A possible work around would be to add more or() functions to the query.

export function searchButton_onClick(event) {
.eq(‘villageLevel’, $w(’ #iTitle ‘).value)
.or(wixData.query(‘allcoinmastercardslist’).contains(‘title’, $w(’ #iTitle ‘).value))
.or(wixData.query(‘allcoinmastercardslist’).eq(‘villageLevel’, “,” + $w(’ #iTitle ‘).value))
.or(wixData.query(‘allcoinmastercardslist’).eq(‘villageLevel’, $w(’ #iTitle ‘).value + “,” ))
.then (res=> {
$w(’ #table1 ').rows = res.items;
}); }

Im not sure if wix will allow multiple uses of the or() function though. If it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll try something else.

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Be sure to read through

Do not work unfortunately, nothing shows with that code :frowning:

But thank you!

Okay I’ve tried something a little different using the and() function that can combine two queries.

export function searchButton_onClick(event) {

let firstQuery = wixData.query(“allcoinmastercardslist”)
.eq(‘villageLevel’, $w(‘#iTitle’).value)
.contains(‘title’, $w(‘#iTitle’).value)

let commaAfterValue = $w(‘#iTitle’).value + “,”;
let commaBeforeValue = “,” + $w(‘#iTitle’).value;

let secondQuery = wixData.query(“allcoinmastercardslist”)
.eq(‘villageLevel’, commaAfterValue)
.eq(‘villageLevel’, commaBeforeValue)

.then (res=> {
$w(‘#table1’).rows = res.items;

}); }

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Still not working :confused:

seems to be a really tricky coding this one but there must be a way to do it somehow.