Mobile - loading status bar hidden on all Wix sites!

Using Chrome on Android (and possibly on other browsers and mobile platforms) when you fetch a page there is normally a blue loading progress bar at the top of the page.

However, I’ve noticed that this does NOT appear on Wix sites! I’ve tried various Wix sites and it is the same for all of them…so if you click a link the page just appears to freeze for several seconds before the next page appears. Any non-wix site has a loading progress bar at the top, so it looks like wix sites suppress this bar?

This seems very odd. Also, most visitors are likely to quit the site - some pages take up to 10 seconds to load, and with no loading progress bar it just looks like it is frozen.

Any ideas on how to un-hide the loading status bar?


I’ve since tried this on several different browsers (firefox, chrome, samsung) on 3 different android devices, and on half a dozen wix websites. Same result for all of them! The blue status bar at the top is hidden. So far I can’t find any other non-wix websites where this is the case. This is absolutely terrible, since I’ve noticed that Wix mobile sites are already extremely slow in loading, so add to that no progress bar visitors are just going to leave! You click on a link, and it appears that the page freezes (for anything from 3 seconds to 15 seconds) - zero indication that the next page is loading.

Having invested a lot of time into a desktop site, really regretting it now…wix mobile seems to be really lacking in a lot of areas.

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This is an example of the blue page loading progress bar that I am talking about, that appears on all websites across the internet when you click from one page to another…except on WIX sites!! It seems to be there by default everywhere, so Wix must’ve explicitly disabled it?!

I hope I’m wrong about this, but I’ve now been through the so-called “Top 20” example wix websites according to Google, and every single one of them is plagued by this same issue. Some of them are really terrible (only because of this issue) - you click on a link and have to wait over 10 seconds whilst ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENS, no indication of having clicked a link or page loading or anything! If I was a genuine visitor I would have given up on that site ages before, or spammed the link trying to get it to work… Terrible user experience, and aprox 50% web traffic is mobile these days…


Works fine for me and shows quickly on a Wix website before the Wix Mobile Welcome Screen kicks in when first loading the site or when I move to another page etc.

Very very strange. Well thanks for checking, I’ll buy you a whiskey… in the meantime would you mind trying just a few examples that I’ve found to be sure:

Based on the fact you say it works, I’ve now opened a Support ticket, since it affects my site as well as the above ones. I’ve tried it on three different household android phones, with Chrome browsers, and get the same result on all of them…

I take back what I said about page loading speeds, my mistake…we live in a cellular blackspot and all devices were connected by wifi to an adsl router…it seems the router was being very slow, I’ve rebooted it and page load speeds are now very quick. So sorry about that.

BUT, I stand by what I said that the status load bar is hidden, for example those 4 websites above, you see nothing when you click between pages on the mobile menu? Sometimes a wait of a second or two, but no progress bar? Or am I still missing something?

You are right, Daniel.

Wix sites do not show a loading status when navigating between pages, and yes, this leads to confusion as you could be clicking a button and if on a slightly slower network, it looks like nothing is happening because there is no loading indication on the browser, and then 3 seconds later, it dramatically loads the page.

I know exactly what you means


Thanks for clearing that up Robert, saves me a lot of head scratching! So I guess we just have to accept it (or perhaps there is a way to do a custom animation or something during the transition between pages?) Anyway, seems very odd to me that the guys at Wix explicitly chose to hide this status bar, makes no sense…


@aquacruise I think it’s something to do with the fact Wix uses AJAX. Anyway, i think you can use a preloader effect and have it trigger on each page load. Do you know what i mean or do you need help?

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@contact53319 I’m not entirely sure, sorry! Could you send a couple of reference links or pointers to get me started?

Got the reply to my ticket from Wix support " Please note that this is a browser setting rather than a Wix setting that you are referring to. I would recommend contacting Chrome support for further support. "

Lol. This is a poor response since it seems that every other website in the world displays this bar EXCEPT Wix sites! So how is this Google’s fault exactly WIX??


P.s. Wix blames the issue on Google, reply to my support ticket as follows: " Please note that this is a browser setting rather than a Wix setting that you are referring to. I would recommend contacting Chrome support for further support. "

@givemeawhisky The image you sent clearly isn’t from a Google Chrome browser, since Wix support have just replied to me that they do NOT support showing the status bar on Chrome - which is why I can’t see it!! And since according to Wix documentation they only support Chrome & Safari it seems that this is a serious issue - and a serious issue affecting everyone using Wix. My site for example, most pages are fine, 2 sec load time (just about get away with that) but one page in particular has a lot of JS and a lot of DB access and with lots of optimization and stage loading it is still 7 seconds…7 seconds of absolutely nothing and no acknowledgement of a click or indication of a page loading. That is really terrible!

@yisrael-wix A serious issue, that needs urgent attention.


@robert-mccormick Do you have any pointers for a preloader effect? Where do I put it exactly, on triggering of a click from an outgoing page, or on the fetching of a new page (in which case I’m guessing it would need to be done with a router, since if I put it in the onReady it won’t show until the page is loaded)?

@aquacruise Just use the forum’s search function with preloader and you will find your own answers


@givemeawhisky Hmm, yet WIX THEMSELVES say that it is explicitly disabled. See also below from Robert McCormick. Sorry but I think you are wrong. You do realise that the discussion is regarding navigating BETWEEN PAGES on Wix site, and not the initial loading of a Wix site, there is a big difference…

Did you find a solution?

Closed as post from last year which is a Wix Support question and not code related.