Mobile Editor: Expandable text box with Show More-Show Less

Did anyone have this issue:?
I have an expandable text box with show more show less button which works perfectly on hte desktop version,
It also seems to work fine on the mobile preview mode but on he live mobil, the elements below don’t move together when the box collapses so I have a gap.
Did you have this issue too? How did you solve it?

Could you provide screenshots? please share the code that you are using.

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Hi Shiri,

I have that same problem as well. In the editor version it looks like it’s working, but on the published website it shows a big white gap. Have you found a solution?



With the mobile editor, try previewing it and click on the show more and show less button, then with it back again on the show more option, go back to the Wix Editor and see if the white gap is still there. If it is shown on your Wix Editor then you can see if you need to re-arrange your elements to remove the white gap.

So basically…
View your preview with the show more button as it is and then click back on Editor to go back to the page with the short text function and see if white gap persists due to the elements being setup on the page at full text size…

Or view your preview and click on show more to view the page with full text and then click back on Editor to go back to the page with the full text shown.

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Hey thanks for your quick reply!! In preview it shows without the gap (I can click the show more and show less and click back and forth between long and short text). But then when I publish it the white gap persists. So that means the element is setup at full text size? How do I change that?

Hi @anneke , have you found a solution to this? I am experiencing this same issue.

I resolved it on the desktop version completely, in both the preview and the published site. However, on the mobile version, it shows correctly in preview but on the published site, it shows a big gap.

I too have this problem, when all the text boxes are in show more mode it’s fine, but as they get smaller after show less, the area that is left is seen as a big gap at the bottom. Has anyone been able to solve this problem ?