Linking Slide Show with database...

Is their a way to connect multiple images from different cells on an horizontal line data base and link them into a slide show?

I’m trying to show multiple image of a house like: kitchen, bedroom #1, bedroom #2, etc.

Hi! Can you describe your usecase more?

You can connect gallery without code (there are galleries which are very similar to slideshow)
You can connect slides in slideshow to images (only from code), but it will work only if you have limited and defined set of images

Does that make sense?

So probably, each item in collection (i mean row) can be different…
In this case, i would probably create collection like this:

| IDofAppartment | Image  | NameOfRoom |
| 1st_flat       | 11.jpg | kitchen    |
| 1st_flat       | 12.jpg | room1      |
| 2nd_flat       | 21.jpg | Kitchen    |
| 2nd_flat       | 22.jpg | bedroom1   |
| 2nd_flat       | 23.jpg | bedroom2   |

Then add category dynamic page on first field (IdofAppartment)
This allows to get several items on one instance of dynamic page
Then on dynamic page you can add slider gallery (or any other type)
And any additional information if you need it, can be displayed on those dynamic pages

Idea is one flat - one dynamic page


Yea something like that, question is their a way for the code to read horizontal because I want user to upload images of their house to sell, so each user can upload around 7 images give or take, is it still possible?

yes, you will juast use 7 images, each connected to those 7 fields from collection
Instead of gallery

So then how do I connect the image to the gallery as you explained?

if your images will be organized horizontally (7 columns of images) per one flat/item in collection - you can’t use gallery. You should connect each field to image

If you will organize it like i suggested - you can connect this 1 column to gallery

Can we have a slideshow template and add slides dynamically through the code?


Like it seems - - > no you can’t…

Just - - > GETTER ← - - functions and almost no - - > SETTER ← - ones.
No options given to set it dynamically.

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