Link text on pictures

Hi there, does anyone know how to change the lint text in a picture from “go to link” to whatever text I want? I didn’t manage to get it done. Thanks!

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I have same question!
I want to delete ‘go to link’ because the picture don’t have link URL.
but the text is apear.

The items link choose ‘non’ but it turn back ‘page’ soon!

You can view this reference to add a link to an image using code.

Good luck,

Hi Tal
Thank you your answer.
I think the code use when I need something action like a send email, open the documents, access a website,etc,

It’ not my hope.

Now when click the image, the image pop-up
And the pop-up message ‘go to link’

I don’t need this message or want change the message.

Is there any way?

Is there any way?