Importing product images with csv file

Does anyone know of a hosting provider that will give me simple URL’s for my product images? I have 1000’s of products and need to easily reference the products in the csv file to upload to wix. I use the sku number for the image name. For example, every image would have and then the image name: 12345.jpg

This way I can just copy and paste the domain url in 1 column and the image name in another column and concatenate the 2 together in excel. Thanks!

Have you read about importing products into Wix Stores, have you not already got a complete list of your product urls from where your products are currently stored?

productImageUrl - Product images

Max. 15 images / GIFs per product separated by a semi-colon ;
Do not add a space after the semi-colons.
Must be a URL.

Note: Image URLs stored on other platforms won’t load if that store (hosted on the other platform) is deleted.

Alternatively, you can leave this field blank and upload images directly to your Wix store after import.

The accepted file formats are .jpg, png, and gif.

You can request an automated way.

Thank you for the reply, but the way Wix creates the URL doesn’t work for me. My image names are the same as the product SKU so it’s easy for me to create the list of images. I just copy over the sku field and add “.jpg” to the end. See attached if that helps clarify what I need. Thank you.

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