Image is not present when using .getCurrentItem()

Hi so in my form for a recipe I have an image upload button that is connected to my dataset. I am manually inserting my recipe into my database so that I will be able to save the current user ID with it. but the problem is when I call .getCurrentItem() on my dataset it has all the information I entered except for the image key and value.

My code looks like this:

    let user = wixUsers.currentUser; 
let userId =; 
let recipeInfo = $w("#dataset1").getCurrentItem(); 
let fullRecipe = Object.assign({}, recipeInfo, {userId: userId}); 

wixData.insert('Recipes', fullRecipe) 

When I log my recipeInfo to the console it has all the expected data from the form except for the image. Is this expected behavior? How would I be able to get the image information to save with my dataset? Thank you.

Can you paste in the console.log results here please

abv: “1”

This is the result of the getCurrentItem() function when logged to the console. It has all the fields that I expect except for the uploaded image. Heres an image showing that it is connected to the recipe dataset.

Ok do you have code that uploads the image before saved? If you dont the image will be present after save.

Hi Andreas no I do not. I didn’t know that was necessary. Do you have sample code or an example that I could follow for reference? Thank you so much!

Hey Andreas I figured it out. Thanks for your help!

you never told us how you did it. anyone?