Image and Document URL's

Dear All,

I have been able to develop a site where I am wanting the image and document URLs of where they are being saved in the cloud within my data collection, the reason for this is to improve customer security, I would like to be able to encrypt the URLS whilst the document urls are within the data collection and then decode the encrypted url when a button is clicked and the image shown. so if malitious vistors were ever able to gain access to the data collection they would only receive a long encryption rather than direct access to the images.

if someone could help in relation to how to get the document and image url, save the document or image url and then get the document or image url I can do the encryption piece of the urls.

Best regards,


export function button88_click(event) {
        .then((item) => {
 let url = item;
            $w("#image28").src = url;

export function button86_click(event) {
 if ($w("#uploadButton1").value.length > 0) {
        $w("#text36").text = (`Uploading '${$w("#uploadButton1").value[0].name}'`);
            .then((uploadedFile) => {
                $w("#text36").text = ("Upload successful");
                $w("#image27").src = uploadedFile.url;

            .catch((uploadError) => {
                $w("#text36").text = (uploadError.errorDescription);
                console.log(`File upload error: ${uploadError.errorCode}`);
    } else {
        $w("#text36").text = ("Please choose a file to upload.");

export function button87_click(event) {

 let toSave = {
 "selfie": $w("#image27").src,
    };"test", toSave)
        .then((results) => {
 let item = results; //see item below
        .catch((err) => {
 let errorMsg = err;