How to Get non-input data submitted with input form

I am building a website where I would like to submit non-input data such as the Dynamic page’ name and logo stored in one collection and username of the user stored in the private members area database to be included in submitting the form in a third database where the form details and all these other information will be stored. from my search in the forum, i cannot find a sample code for me to implement this.
Right now, i have connected all the input element and the submit button to the appropriate database collection but i dont know how to get the non-input data to be submitted in the same row as the form details
take note, the form is in a lightbox and not on the dynamic page that i will be submitting its details but it will be triggered by a button on the dynamic page. I will be happy to provide additional information when needed.
here is the link to the site if you want to take a look

P.S am new to Wix and am not familiar with coding at all. kindly explain in detail for me please
Thank you in advance

It is possible to communicate between the page and the light box.

When you open a lightbox using the openLightbox() function, you can pass an object containing data to be used in the lightbox.
In the lightbox’s code, you call the getContext() function to retrieve the data sent by the openLightbox() function.
When you close the lightbox using the close() function, you can pass an object containing data to be used by the page that opened the lightbox.
This data is retrieved from the resolution of the Promise returned by the openLightbox() function.

For example:

wixWindow.openLightbox("Your lightbox",{data:'the information you want to pass, for example dynamic page name'});// from the page that opens the lightbox

And the code in the lightbox:

let receivedData = wixWindow.lightbox.getContext(); // to receive the information

For more information read this:

The above example seems to be for input fields? I believe what Neera and myself am also looking for is how to accomplish this with “non-input” fields.

thank you for your input @yevheniias . I am currently using a button on my page to trigger the lightbox and as i said earlier, coding is quite foreign to me. I will really appreciate it if you can write me a sample code with how to implement it on the page. As George said earlier, I am trying to achieve submitting the dyanamic page Name, user id, and such details without using input fields or any visible element. I just want the retrieval of this information to be triggered by the submit button so that everything together with the user input will be submitted to the database.
p.s i have pasted the link to my site. you can check it out.
thank you