How to add discount to Wix Pay backend code

I’m adding items to the paymentRequest object, but the last piece doesn’t seem to be allowed. I need to add an item with a negative value to reflect the discount the user gets based on the frequency of their subscription. For example:

[{item1: 9.99},
{item2: 20.99},
{item3: 15.99},
{discount: -10.00}]

This above object throws an error where the value must be greater than 0 or an item. How can I add a discount to the paymentRequest object so they can see the discount reflected in checkout? Alternatively, if this for some reason isn’t supported, how can I apply a discount to a user’s selection in Wix Code without me subtracting randomly from all of the items they selected?

Thanks in advance!

You won’t be able to include that as an item. Just pre-calculate the total price.