How to Add a Div for mailmunch pop up

Hi i have the following code :

from mailmunch to display on this site ,

i have tried adding it an html iframe but doesnt work…
please help!


Adding a ‘div’ is probably not the only step needed for that, since it just creates an invisible container element, but does not provide any means to fill it with the relevant data.

I suspect you also need to include some script from their site in the iframe’s code.

thanks… thats the only code i have from them…


Hope you don’t mind me jumping in here… Out of curiosity, and in a quest to help you figure this out, I tried the code that you posted in an HtmlComponent, and nothing shows up. I am certain that you don’t have the entire code segment required for their widget. Check with Mailmuch tech support to find out what you need to do.

Good luck,
