How did you make your website on a budget? Would wix work? I am an artist

So I am an artist and have 0 experience with websites at all. I am running on a limited budget and haven’t made much money yet, but my gallery (and I guess me to some extent) is ranked in the top 10 in my big city (semi large state capital). I need to expand now and get a website, I am not going to sell any art off there as I am trying to stay high brow ish and am only selling at galleries and auctions, I just want to explain my art (it is very… unique) and provide images. Would six work for this? I’m just looking to show people what I am about and give a link on trip advisor as well as gove critics somewhere to look and contact me. My budget is like 300 (enough to use six but probably not a real designer) so what do you guys think

You may want to check out the WixArena - it’s a hub where you can look for Wix and Corvid experts for hire.

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