Help Setting Column Arangment Order

Hi there,

Currently the arrangement order for columns is from right to left. In other words, the rightmost column will be on top if they begin to overlap when the page is collapsed or when viewed on a smaller monitor. I am looking to see if there is a code I can use to prioritize which column is in front of the other when overlapping.

The attached image is an example of this. In the top strip, the right column overlaps with the video and moves on top of it. I am looking to have the video be in front in this scenario. The bottom strip displays it how I want to, but only because the video is on the right side and therefore takes priority in the arrangement order.

Appreciate any and all help regarding this manner.

Bradley C

I have the same problem. any suggestions?

I think your wished function is not possible to be generated by CODE.$w/columnstrip/columns

There is a → getter, but no setter in the API-DOCs.