Handling incoming json data

Hello! I am trying to manage a membership database in wix, which is connected to google sheets. Currently I have the database and my google sheet connected through Zapier, but I am having trouble setting up the function in wix that handles the incoming data. This is what I have so far:

‘use strict’;
import wixData from ‘wix-data’;
import {ok, response} from ‘wix-http-functions’;

export function put_membership(request){
return request.body.json()
.then(body => {
recordInsert = {
“email”: body.Email,
“FirstNm”: body.FirstNm,
“SWEID”: body.SWEID,
“PaidUnpaid”: body.PaidUnpaid,
“Collected”: body.Collected,
“Total”: body.Total

            .eq("email", body.Email) 
            .then( (results) => { 
                 //if user is not found 
                **if**  (results.items.length === 0){ 
                      **return**  wixData.insert("MembershipData", recordInsert) 
                     .then(result => ok({body: JSON.stringify(result)})) 
                     . **catch** (err => response({status: 500, body: err})); 
              **return**  wixData.update("MembershipData", recordInsert) 
             .then(result => ok({body: JSON.stringify(result)})) 
             . **catch** (err => response({status: 500, body: err})); 


What I am trying to do is take the incoming data, create a record insert out of it, query my database to see if I already have this member, and update their information if so. If the member’s email is not in my database, I would like to insert their information. Currently Zapier is returning an error when I test the functionality of this. If I were to get rid of the query, and only include ‘return wixData.insert(“MembershipData”, recordInsert)’ and the following few lines, the code works perfectly, and Zapier returns as a success! But, again, I need it to update if the member is already present in the database, not just insert a duplicate. Can anyone advise on what I need to change or fix to accomplish this goal?