Grey dropdown with specific collection


I have 2 collections, one with one item and many fields, and the other with one field but 11 items.
I was trying to connect my dropdown button to the 11 item list, but for some reason it is ‘greyed out’ when I preview the site.
When I tried to connect it to the one item list then it was ok.

The 11 item collection has one field and sorted according to ‘Date created’.

Any idea why this happens?

Hi Yafim.

Can you please explain what is this dropdown used for?
Is it only for displaying the items and maybe understanding what was chosen upon some action afterwards?


Hi Genry,

Yes the dropdown is a list whereby a selection from that list will filter a gallery. In the gallery each item is a dynamic page, not sure if that’s related.

In any case it is meant to filter a list from a gallery.

Hi Yafim.

Please make sure that the dataset the dropdown is connected to is set to ReadWrite.


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Thanks Genry that was the solution :slight_smile:

Happy to help :slight_smile:
