Google Custom Search

I am trying to add the Google Custom Search Engine onto my site. However, the search bar disappears or doesn’t work depending on the choice of search result layout. For example, when the results display in an overlay or a separate Google-hosted page, then there are no issues with the search bar disappearing or not working.

However, I am trying to create a separate page on my website with just the search results, instead of a Google-hosted site or an overlay. But when I try to pick the layouts that might work with this idea, such as the two column layout, the search bar disappears. How would I prevent the search bar from disappearing or not working and to have the search results open on my website in a separate page?

Hi. I encountered similar issue with Wix. I am trying the 2 page layout of Google custom search. And it doesn’t work as expected Wix. Have you found any solution to this?




Maybe) you want to get something like this,

Please search rapidAPI Google Search 3

My example is connected with the dropdown, you can connect the data to your repeater too(to display just like

If you are searching result in your site, please see Custom Search JSON API  |  Programmable Search Engine  |  Google for Developers