Get value from GET parameter to use in Adwords conversion

Hello, fellows. I just discovered Wix Code and need some tips about placing a value in the Google Adwords snippet script for conversion.

I have read my query using wixlocation, like this:

let query = wixLocation.query;
let valorvenda = query.vv;

For example: would return a “valorvenda = 123”.

Right, I have this value, but I want to place it in this snippet code from Google Adwords:

where “valorvenda” would be the variable with the value, informing Google Adwords the amount of the conversion.

Did I make myself clear on that question? If so, how do I make this happen?

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

You can use the Track & Analyze feature for that purpose. For questions regarding this product, please contact Wix Support team .

Have a good day,