filter not working all of a sudden?

Hey guys,

So its taken me quite a while to get a hang of what I was trying to do with my page. I finally got everything working well. What I’m wondering, and having a problem with, is: Are there a limit to the amount of filters you can add to an on click event for a button, such as for filtering a repeater? Yesterday, I had about 6 different “.contains” filters working through my filter button and as far as I knew, it was working fine. Today as I was adding an extra one, I noticed that a lot of my data in my data collection was not appearing, despite all of my info typed in the dataset correctly, everything filled in, and the correct filters applied. I have checked and rechecked and typed and retyped. I can’t figure out why some of my data doesn’t show up. I am at a loss. I don’t know if my code would even help but this is all that it is:

import wixData from 'wix-data';
import winLocation from 'wix-location';

$w.onReady(function () {
	//TODO: write your page related code here...
	$w('#repeater1').onItemReady((selector, itemData, index) => {
		$w('#text1').onClick(() => {;

$w("#button1").onClick(() => {
		.contains("type", $w("#dropdown1").value)
		.contains("time", $w("#dropdown2").value)
		.contains("length", $w("#radioGroup2").value)
		.contains("attention", $w("#radioGroup1").value)
		.contains("lgbt", $w("#dropdown3").value)
		.contains("filters", $w("#dropdown4").value)
		.eq("eplength", $w("#switch2").checked)
		.eq("stillon", $w("#switch1").checked));

Have you run the query outside so you know you get results?

Andreas, I get results, just not ALL of the results. e.g. if I preview my page, and pick one on the “time” dropdown and hit filter, i will get 2 results, instead of 5. (not accurate numbers to my results, just an example). It doesn’t matter which dropdown/radio button I pick, it doesn’t matter how many I pick, I only get some of my data. My repeaters limit is a high number, so that is not the issue. I have looked through my data collection, and even if there are two data elements that have the exact same category for every single contains filter, one will show up and one will not.

Can you please share a link to your site and specify the name of the page?
It would be helpful if you provide a scenario that you don’t get your correct results.