Facing issue with 3rd party API in repeater?

I created a website with 3rd party API (YouTube) where I’m fetching the data of the youtube channel,

The problem is my website not showing any result on my repeater without any error &
on the console it shows https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics,snippet,brandingSettings&id=" + undefined + “&key=” + apiKey

Here is my backend code:

import { fetch } from 'wix-fetch';
import wixData from 'wix-data';

export async function getData() {

 const apiKey = "Api Key";
 let index = 0;

 let cId = wixData.query("YtChannels", "chId") // chId is the field name where i store channel id's


        .then((results) => {

 while (index <= results.items.length - 1) {

 let channelId = (results.items[index].chId);



 const response = await fetch("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics,snippet,brandingSettings&id=" + cId + "&key=" + apiKey, {
        method: 'get'

 if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
 const res = await response.json();
 return res;
 let res = await response.json();
 return res;

Here is my frontend code:

import { getData } from 'backend/youtube.jsw';

export function channelRepeater_itemReady($item, itemData, index) {
    $w.onReady(function () {
            .then((response) => {

 let data = response;

                data.forEach((item) => {

                    item._id = String(index++);

                $item('#channelRepeater').data = itemData;

 //Channel Name

 let channelName = data.items[0].snippet.title;
                $item("#channelName").text = itemData.channelName;

 //Channel Logo

 let channelLogo = data.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
                $item("#channelLogo").src = itemData.channelLogo;

 //Subscriber Confirmation Button

 let subConfirm = ('href', 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/' + data.items[0].id + '?sub_confirmation=1');
                $item("#subsLink").link = itemData.subConfirm;

 // Live Subscriber Count        

 let subCount = data.items[0].statistics.subscriberCount;
                $item("#liveCount").text = itemData.subCount;


 // Subscriber Refresing
        $w.onReady(function () {
            setInterval(() => {
                    .then((response) => {
 let subCount = response.items[0].statistics.subscriberCount;
                        $item("#liveCount").text = itemData.subCount;
            }, 2000); //2000 milliseconds

#repeater #database api

Any idea @givemeawhisky @Yisrael (Wix) @Code Queen Nayeli