Error 10104 when I try to connect form input to dataset the editor will not save.

I created a Member Log In page and Profile Page, when I try to connect my dataset to the Profile page inputs the editor will not allow me to save my progress. Nothing saves from then on. Not sure what is happening, please help!

This is the error occurring in console view on browser

  1. r {name: “PrimaryTaskError”, message: “Document save has failed”, reason: {…}, stack: “Error↵ at new r (…documentServices/documentServices.min.js:1:353610”}

  2. message:“Document save has failed”

  3. name:“PrimaryTaskError”

  4. reason:{document: {…}}

  5. stack:“Error↵ at new r (↵ at

  6. proto:Error

Hi Erica!

Please follow the steps in this article in order to contact the support team and solve the issue.
